--> SAFE-FS Concept

SAFE-FS Live Concept

Walkthrough of our Live Web App Concept release

Web App Concept Details

Our Web App Concept (mockup.safe-fs.io) is the first of several planned designs of the SAFE-FS Web Dashboard. It currently allows a mock experience of logging into the SAFE Network and managing your hosted files.

The first section you see when opening the Concept is the search bar at the top. The prospect of browsing all files that users of the SAFE Network have made public is very exciting, and this could be a very powerful feature for the early SAFE Network, as it could function as a type of Google Search. It could be the driving force that powers GETs on all filetypes, and creates the PtP economic incentives for people to upload their data to SAFE.

The next field is your search results. This clearnet proof only offers support for images, audio and video files, but many more filetypes of all types--from documents to 3d blueprints--could be displayed on future versions. Files uploaded to this mockup--after moderation / approval, to filter out explicit results--can be searched for and viewed by all. For this reason we warn you not to upload sensitive or private files.

The final section of our Concept is the Upload form. You can upload any file, but only images / audio / video can be approved and displayed properly at the moment. Also, when uploading your file, you can give it a name, an (optional) cost--a potential feature for a digital file-marketplace in the future--and a description, all of which can be used in a search with the searchbar at the top.

The profile design is generic at the moment, with the SAFE-FS logo placeholder, but could be radically customized to each user with their picture / SAFE Public ID once those features & APIs are released.